He is also contacted by another patient, Nolan Stross, claiming he and Isaac can destroy the Marker. He is later contacted by a woman named Daina Le Guin, who guides him to her location. However, before he can remove the straitjacket, Franco is killed and transformed into a Necromorph, leaving Isaac to escape on his own. Isaac Clarke has no memory of the last three years, having just been released by Franco, the protagonist of Dead Space: Ignition. Strange thing to look forward to, but of course, it takes a brave soul to jump into Dead Space in the first place.The game begins in a hospital on the Sprawl, a densely populated metropolis built on a shard of the moon Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Given how old and well known the game’s story is at this point, that would be an indication that EA Motive has succeeded in improving the game in its core ability to terrify. Lastly, technical director David Robillard disarmed fans by revealing that he himself has a hard time playing the game with headphones as he finds it too scary.

We also received a perhaps unintentional teaser, as the trophy list for the game revealed that EA Motive added a new alternate ending, which promises a sad and/or shocking denouement to the story of Isaac Clarke. While the core story remains the same, they have been working on improving the overall game experience, which means improvements in the game’s immersion. We had been told for months that EA Motive had made many improvements to the original release beyond merely upgrading the graphics. The hype cycle for Dead Space Remake is already in full force. PlayStation 5 and PC get the same download date and time of January 25, 2023, 8 AM PST. Speaking of preloads, Dead Space Remake is already available to preload on Xbox Series X|S. It may require players to connect to EA’s client or servers to play, and Valve has not yet made any arrangements with EA or other game companies that have such requirements for their games. There is no indication that Dead Space Remake will be Steam Deck certified.